Body Lift

A body lift is a surgical procedure that carefully removes extra skin to help you achieve your dream curves. Exercise and diet are the best ways to keep your body in good shape. To a certain extent, healthy nutrition and exercise may mold your body. However, in certain cases, extra fat persists in areas that are challenging to contour without a physician's assistance. The human body is incredibly adaptable and strong. Our clients' accomplishments, particularly in the area of weight loss, never cease to astound us. However, it is common for significant quantities of extra, drooping skin to persist even after you have lost weight. This skin is removed during a body lift treatment, which also shapes the areas beneath the skin.

Upper Body Lift
Our upper torso wears a harmonious suit made of the skin above the waist. The torso's lines naturally flow from the chest's measurements to the arms' and abdomen's dimensions and back. A lift technique brings harmony to the human frame by gently removing excess skin, maintaining the upper body's aesthetic equilibrium.
A brachioplasty, or arm lift, may be part of an upper body lift to highlight the powerful, elegant features of the arms. Artfully removing "bat wings" that hang from the underarm region is the goal of brachioplasty. Most likely, liposuction will be used by Dr. Azer to eliminate any undesired fat pockets that remain in the upper body. Despite your best efforts to shed extra pounds, fat is not equally distributed throughout your body. Bulky deposits are soaked in a tumescent solvent during liposuction to soften them for extraction. In order to achieve a toned, taut appearance, Dr. Azer contours away the released fat using a tiny suction tube known as a cannula before redraping the skin.

Lower Body Lift
You may find that your range of motion is restricted when sagging skin gathers below the waist. Walking gets tiresome, which makes you less motivated to exercise and can result in further health problems. At Doctor A Clinic, get a lower body lift to break the cycle of sedentary behavior. To create a personalized enhancement journey, Dr. Azer integrates the components of a Brazilian Butt Lift, Liposuction, and Thigh Lift.
Benefits of Body Contouring
A Body Lift highlights a newly slim body shape, and it also gives patients renewed confidence. When the outer contours of the skin match the physique within, an individual attains harmony of movement and appearance. Insecurities are trimmed away along with excess skin; the human spirit rises in conjunction with the body.

How much does Body Lift cost in Turkey?
The cause for the procedure and its complexity have an impact on the cost. The following are some examples of factors that can affect your overall cost: the surgeon's charge; pharmaceutical prescriptions; post-operative clothing; diagnostic tests; costs associated with the surgical facility; and anesthetic fees. Depending on a number of variables, body lift costs will vary from patient to patient and surgeon to surgeon. This covers the surgeon's experience, the kind of procedure performed, and the office's location. The experience of the surgeon and your comfort level with him are equally important as the total cost of the body lift procedure.
The cost of the medical trip includes:
1- Transport service: A car and a driver will be with you throughout the medical trip, all transfers between the airport, hotel, hospital.
2- The translation service: includes a translator who will accompany you to translate into the French language (English, Russian, Arabic, Spanish).
3- It includes all the analyses, examinations and blood tests before the operation to ensure your state of health and your preparation for the operation.
4- Includes the cost of the process itself.
5- Nights at the hospital - Hospitalization.
6- It includes all the necessary medications and treatments for the recovery period after the operation.
7- It includes the medical supplies needed after the operation. Including corset (if patient has undergone liposuction and BBL) The silicone device for the nose (if the patient has undergone rhinoplasty).
8- It includes all visits and checks with the doctor after the operation to monitor the state of your health.
For more information, please contact us.